Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Organizing Life

The lack of posting/pictures comes down to one thing: life. Our life has been going 100 miles an hour and I am getting sick of the roller coaster. With two boys in sports, a dog, running, work, a wonderful husband who is coaching and going to grad school, and a house, it just doesn't stop. My last post truly exemplifies our *new* Saturday routine...from morning until night.

Just as an example, here is our plan for this weekend: Friday night, Matthew is having his birthday party, so will have three extra boys over for a sleep over. Saturday morning will include me running before 7:00 a.m., bringing the boys home around 9:00, soccer at 9:30, family Easter at 12:00, baseball at 2:30, church at 5:00, and a birthday party at 7:00. Sunday includes a long run of 12-13 miles, and life group at our house at 12:30...oh, and somewhere in there we will have to get two desserts made, the house cleaned, grad work, and getting ready for the next school week.

I realize the light at the end of the tunnel is near and soon we will be able to exit the ride- summer break is only 7 weeks away, but it has me wondering: Is this what it's going to be like from now on?

I am trying my hardest to stay positive as we are so fortunate and God has blessed us in abundance. I've been praying a lot for some sort of sense of direction in all of this madness. I've always been a planner, and with all of the school budget cuts and hiring freezes, it has me trying to plan what we will do when the hubby finishes grad school. BUT, as we learned in church a couple of weeks ago...things happen on God's time, not ours. Maybe I better write that on my mirror for daily reading!

I have been keeping busy with lots of reading the last couple of weeks. I finished the sequel to Incarceron, entitled Sapphique. I would compare it to a mix of historical fiction meets The Maze Runner.

Then I went on to read Little Blog on the Prairie which has been on my list of need to read since it came out on the Lone Star book list. I love the Little House on the Prairie books, and so did this author as she mixed modern day reality with "playing" the little house life at summer camp.

Although I have many other young adult fiction books on my list, I checked out a few non fiction books from the library. First I read Dave Ramsey's, Total Money about inspiring! The hubby and I sat down last weekend (yes, we happened to squeeze in an extra 20 minutes for coffee at some point in the hectic days) and re figured our budget with a plan to get serious about paying off our college loans...our only debt besides the house. I love how Dave compares our financial woes to being's hilarious!

Now I'm on to The Complete Tightwad Gazette (all three books in one) and I have been busy jotting down ideas and recipes in my notebook. The woman is a little too extreme - think depression-era saving of EVERYTHING - but I truly appreciate here creative ideas and simple (less stuff) approach to living.

So, now that I've exploded most of my thoughts onto the page, I think I can keep the little engine that could, I'll just keep reciting: I think I can. I think I can. I think I can!

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